We took the kiddos to the Museum on 1/23. Ever since, all Marin has talked about is "dinosaurs and Barbies". Every time we left the house, she would ask, "Dinosaurs and Barbies?". I would sadly say no, we actually had to go to Walmart or the like. So we finally took them back this past Sunday. It wasn't nearly as crowded as last time, so M&M got their time on the Barbie Runway, basking in the warm glow of the spotlights. Marin has on a lovely costume, but you have to look closely at Maddox to notice his sparkly belt, which "matched his outfit" he said.
Bob the Builder is back, after 3 years. We have a picture of Maddox with Bob when he was about 6 months younger than Marin is now. It is so amazing that he's grown up so fast!
We're currently working on where we're sending Maddox to kindergarten next year. We've seen several schools and are currently trying to decide between St. Michael's and Weston. It has been a very difficult task and I'm looking forward to getting it done!